Author: Crop Protection

The UK government is considering compensating farmers who could be forced to carry out mass sheep slaughter under a no-deal Brexit scenario. With British farmers heavily reliant on European markets for their exports, there are growing concerns that a sudden break in trade with the EU could leave them with no market for their sheep meat. Brexit minister Stephen Barclay has acknowledged the potential challenges facing the farming sector if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. He stated that while the government prefers to avoid such a scenario, officials are examining measures to support farmers who may face…

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Jeremy Clarkson fans have been taken by surprise after spotting what they believe to be Kaleb Cooper’s doppelgänger at his newly launched pub, The Farmer’s Dog. The buzz began when a video featuring a young woman behind the meat counter of the pub was shared on its Instagram page, prompting fans to speculate if she could be related to the Clarkson’s Farm star. “Is that girl Kaleb’s sister?” wondered one observer. Another echoed the sentiment, writing: “I thought the same thing immediately.” The resemblance sparked a flurry of comments, with some even suggesting she might be a “long-lost sibling.” In…

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Oilseed rape, once a staple of UK arable farming, has seen a significant decline in plantings, potentially reaching its lowest levels in 40 years. Chris Guest, managing director of plant breeding company NPZ UK, is urging farmers to reconsider the crop’s potential, highlighting its crucial role in farming profitability and national food security. Starting off, Mr Guest explains that oilseed rape can be one of the highest gross margin break crops for UK growers, comparing favourably to other arable crops in terms of profitability. “Alongside its excellent rotational and environmental benefits, the financial rewards of oilseed rape should not be…

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The UK pork sector has experienced a difficult year, with exports in the first half of 2024 reaching their lowest levels in nearly a decade. Recent analysis reveals that UK pork exports, totalling 148,200 tonnes, have declined by 2.4% compared to 2023, marking the lowest export figures since 2015. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) attributes this drop in exports to several key factors. Tight domestic pork supplies have driven up prices, making UK pork less competitive in global markets compared to other countries like Brazil and the United States. As consumers across the world grapple with higher living…

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